This week we had 2 really important appointments for Ellie.
1 was with Aurora which is a school for hearing impaired and deaf children. They have been seeing us for a few months now at home, through their early intervention program. The reason I have them involved with Ellie is she does have a hearing impairment and we are also not sure if Ellie will be verbal, so I am keen to learn sign language too. The purpose of our meeting with them was to work out some goals for the next 6-12 months and what we want to get out of our visits with them.
The second appointment was at CPEC (The cerebal palsy education centre) They run a family centred, early intervention program which applies the principles of conductive education. It is offered to children between the ages of 1-6yo with physical and/or multiple disabilities. The programs offered address the following developmental areas: communication, physical, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional. I sat through a whole morning session which ran from 9:30 - 12:30. I have to admit I was impressed. The class I sat in had 5 children with their parents, plus 1 teacher and 5 helpers. For the parents it is a very hands on class for them, which I like as it gives me the opportunity to learn more about how to help Ellie and also the confidence to help her. In the class that I saw, they spent the first part communication with their communication books, they then did some strength building work, with some kids working on push ups, walking, getting from one position to another. They also do alot of songs, which get the kids involved.
I dont know if I have given the greatest explanation of this class, but I am still trying to completely understand it myself. All I know is that from what I saw, I think Ellie will benefit greatly from this type of therapy. I need to get Ellies name on a waiting list for this, I have been advised that she may not get in next year but possible the year after. Fingers crossed!!!
Alright thats enough for now, Ellie is at my parents for the weekend, we dropped her of yesterday morning... Going to RELAX!!!