Being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect.

It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Humour or Offensive??

I believe I have a good sense of humour...

I believe that I like a good joke...

But recently something I read on Facebook, bothered me... It didnt make me laugh, I didnt find it funny, even though the person that wrote it said it was a 'joke'... it was just a comment.

The comment was, Facebook - is as slow as a disabled person on heroin....!!!!

Ive bloged before about the use of the word retarded and disabled in the 'wrong' context. When did it become funny or right to use these words to make fun of the disabled

You hear it all the time... Oh your so retarded... Stop being a spastic...

What is retarded?

According to the oxford dictionary:

Retarded is: Less advanced in mental, physical or social development than is usual for one's age

Retarded is not someome who just runs funny, nor is it when your friend trips over something, nor is it when facebook runs slow.

Retarded is a human being, wether it be a adult or child , who is not where they should be in mental, social or physical development.

These human beings have feelings, their parents or carers have feelings. To use these words demeans peoples with disabilitys, and causes offense.

This is something I wont back down from... when people around me use the word retarded, spastic or disabled in a demeaning mannour, I will speak up...

I hope one day that those people out there who think it is funny to use these words in an offensive manner will respect disabled people for what they are, Human beings, like everyone else... with feelings


  1. great post Mel. It makes my blood boil when I hear these words and I am not shy about coming forward. I love your new pic at the top! grown up lady of yours xo

  2. mel i agree, i think people who would choose to say such words, tells society just what type of people they themselves are and just how much growing that they need to do..

  3. I am in agreement...I do not allow usage of those words in my presence and when they are used I explain why they should not be used in that context.
    People are ignorant at times!

  4. Right there with you. Seriously. Made me want to vomit.

  5. Wow. That FB comment wasn't only insensitive, it also really didn't make much sense. I've blogged before about the way words are used that shouldn't be. However, I also always remember that prior to having a child with a disability, I hadn't probably stopped to think of the negative power of such words. So my approach to such comments is gentle, consistent and always persistent ;-). Good on you for speaking up (and blogging about it!)

  6. Mel, keep speaking up my dear because if won't then who will!! that comment on FB is more than offensive... there are actually no words to describe how offensive and sad they are!! Be strong! we are in this fight together!

  7. I agree. Those comments are insenstive. Anyway, who is the world to judge which person is normal vs. abnormal, we are all imperfect and I consider those with disabilities, extra special instead of special needs.
