Being happy doesnt mean that everything is perfect.

It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections...

Monday, December 28, 2009

All I want to do is eat my feet

1 comment:

  1. I never commented on this post - but I had wanted to. This morning as I was re-reading it I thought I would finally give my unrequested two cents so here it is... I think it will be great for you to reassess Ellie's therapies. I know Anna already offerred that advice and I guess I am seconding it although I know it is already a goal of yours - just wanted to encourage you.

    For us, we do therapy weekly for PT (altough our therapist has to cancel more often than most - once a month or so) and we do speech and OT every other week. Then I try, when it makes sense, to practice what we have learned with Norrah but I do not make it a MUST every day. With physical therapy especially - I have found that showing Norrah what she can do and then backing off has helped her to eventually desire to do it on her own - like standing.

    I think most of our kids are stubborn and running on their own schedule. So - not killing ourselves or them with overloading on therapies and practice is often times the right move! I am excited to see Ellie continue to achieve and blossom this year.

    Just wanted to encourage you that this break may be just what she needs to move forward.
